Saiva Siddhānta: All-Inclusive, Yet Exclusive

Saiva Siddhānta: All-Inclusive, Yet Exclusive

– An Overview of All Religions in Six Folds 

Dr. R. Lambotharan MD

Saiva SIddhanta Peedam, Canada

  1. The Inherent Relationship with Existence

Every creature, whether small or large, is continually connected with the rest of creation and its source. While we may be unaware of it, this relationship is not a matter of choice; it is inevitable. Since this connection already exists, what can we do? The answer lies in changing the quality of this relationship. By shifting the way we hold this connection, we transform our entire experience of life.

  1. The Levels of Relationship
  • If the relationship is purely physical, we will perceive, understand, enjoy, and experience certain aspects of existence.
  • If it is at the psychological level (mind, intellect, and consciousness), we gain a different set of perceptions and experiences.
  • If it is an emotional connection, our experiences will be of another kind.
  • However, even though all these levels, we do not fully comprehend the essence of existence unless we transcend them.
  1. The Essence of the Spiritual Process

In essence, the entire spiritual journey is about transforming our relationship with existence — moving from being centered on the body, mind, intellect, and emotions to experiencing the subtler dimensions of being. All true intelligence emanates from this inner transformation, known as Jñāna or Gnosis (spiritual wisdom).

  1. The Six-Fold Religious System of Saiva Siddhānta

This spiritual process manifests through the six-fold religious systems of Saiva Siddhānta, all revealed by the One Supreme God to suit the varying levels of maturity among souls. Each system leads progressively towards the Truth and is referred to as Darsanā (envisioning) in the Hindu philosophical tradition. These systems are viewed as a stepladder (Shobhāna Mārga) guiding the seeker towards the realization of the ultimate Truth. The Meikaṇda Sāththirams (The Texts of Truth Revealed) in Tamil explain these concepts in detail.

  1. Classification of Creeds

The creeds that lead to the ultimate Truth are classified into three groups, totaling 18 in number:

  • Externo-external creeds (six in the outermost circle): These are the furthest from the center but still lead towards the ultimate Truth.
  • External creeds (six closer to the center): These lie in the outer circle but are nearer to the center goal of ultimate Truth.
  • Interno-external creeds (six in the innermost circle): These are closest to the center, leading directly to the ultimate Truth.

The term creeds here refer to the beliefs, their founding masters, and the deities worshiped by their followers. Each creed is based on specific Evolutes or Tattvas, which form the philosophical foundation, the locus, and the ultimate destination of the respective traditions.

  1. The Supreme Siva Beyond All Tattvas

In Siddhānta Saiva, the Supreme is described as Siva, the master and deity of all the creeds and beyond. He transcends all Tattvas (evolutes) and is thus called Tattva-adheeta (beyond the Tattvas). These Tattvas serve as His pedestal, earning Him the title Tattvāsanāya (one who is seated beyond the Tattvas).