1.#Omnipotent : – All powerful
2. #Omniscient : – Knows everything
3. #By_nature, #God_knows_everything, ( not by education or by experience)
5. #Pure_embodiment (pure form)
கோளில் பொறியிற் குணமிலவே எண்குணத்தான்
தாளை வணங்காத் தலை
Hads which do not bow at the feet of the One with eight attributes are of no more than nonfunctioning sense organs.
– ThirukkuRaL – 09
1. Supreme Wealth
2. Supreme Velour
3. Supreme Fame
4. Supreme Knowledge
5. Supreme Beauty
6. Supreme Detachment
1. Will – Volition – Ichcha Sakthi
2. Knowledge – Cognition – Jnana Sakthi
3. Action – Conation (action) – Kriya Sakthi
1. Jnana (Knowledge) as Sivam
2. AruL (Love) as Sakthi
1. The power of knowledge – Jnana Sakthi , the Cognitive potency as Sivam.
2. The power of action – Kriya Sakthi, the Conative potency and the power of will – Ichcha Sakthi, the Volitional potency as two aspects of Sakthi.
MURUGAN represents the power of knowledge – Jnana Sakthi, the cognitive potency;
VALLI represents the power of will, Ichcha Sakthi, the volitional potency and
THEIVANAI represents the power of action, Kriya Sakthi, the conative potency
Expression of sexuality in all living beings as Sivam and Sakthi
1. Masculinity as Sivam
2. Femininity as Sakthi
Polarity in energy and matter in this world as Sivam and Sakthi
1. Positive/ Negative (Electronic)
2. Proton/ Electron (Atom)
3. Cathode/ Anode (Electricity)
4. North pole/ South pole (Magnetic)
5. Centripetal / Centrifugal (Gravity)
சத்தியும் சிவமும் ஆய தன்மை, இவ் உலகம் எல்லாம்,
ஒத்து ஒவ்வா ஆணும் பெண்ணும் உணர்குண குணியும் ஆகி,
வைத்தனன்; அவளால் வந்த ஆக்கம், இவ் வாழ்க்கை எல்லாம்;
இத்தையும் அறியார், பீட லிங்கத்தின் இயல்பும் ஓரார்.
As the dual aspects of the Almighty is
Already there everywhere in the cosmic creations and its operations
As Sivam and Sakti; possessing the dual attributes of polarities
All positive and negative; All masculine and feminine;
As opposing and attracting dual forces together interacting with each other
In each and every sentient and insentient (particles and energy) being;
All are stamped and possessed by the Supreme sovereignty
All these through All-Pervasive Supreme Devine Power Siva- Sakti;
Whoever doesn’t know this; wouldn’t know the real meaning of Siva-Linga;
Constitutes Linga, the pole represents Siva and
Peeda, the base represents Sakthi in their inseparable union.
– Siva-jnāna-siddhiyār. Song 89
This universe of mobile and immobile creations and creatures is entirely pervaded by dual polarity (as male and female; positive and negative; south pole and north pole, plus and minus, proton and electron etc.etc.). Every being with the mark of the masculinity should be known to be of Siva; while every being with the mark of the femininity should be known to be of Uma.”
– MahāBhārat, Anusa Parva
By Dr. R. Lambotharan (MD)